Thursday, September 23, 2004

Spies Like Us

by R. C. Sproul, Jr.

One could argue that it is the current President who resembles the Canaanites [in the story of the twelve spies into the Promised Land], in that if we go that route, we are more likely to die. It is a messy business making the world safe for democracy, and he wants our sons and daughters to do it. At least the tyrant Samuel warned about only drafted daughters for the royal bakery. And by comparison, life under Kerry would simply mean, as some suggest, more taxes, making bricks without straw. Or you could go the other way, arguing that Kerry is the greater of the two evils, and that life with Bush would be more like living, as slaves, back in Egypt.

It doesn't really matter. Whether it is the gods our fathers worshipped back in Egypt, or the gods of the Amorites in the land set before us, neither kisses the Son. Both bow before Molech. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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Thursday, September 09, 2004


by R. C. Sproul, Jr.

The bumper sticker is only half-right. It tells us, “I love my country; I fear my government.” It is a good thing to love one's country. And it is a great thing to distinguish between one's government and one's country. But there is a problem. We can and should recognize them as an enemy. We can revile them for their failure to bow before the King. We can prophecy against them for their rebellion, warning them of the wrath to come. But what we must never do is to fear them. Fear is reserved for our King.

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Thursday, September 02, 2004

Biblical Standards for Choosing Civil Magistrates

by William Einwechter

The conscientious Christian desires to glorify God and obey His Word in all that he thinks and does. This desire extends to his actions as a Christian citizen. Perhaps one of his more important actions as a citizen is that of voting for the men who will serve as magistrates over him.

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