Thursday, August 26, 2004

Gatekeeping and "The Evils of Pietism"

by Doug Wilson

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When we put on tender mercies, when we put on Christ, then and only then is it safe to put on a homeschool jumper or a classical Christian school uniform. Then and only then is it safe to have an opinion of rock and roll. Then and only then is it appropriate to think about whether there were too many deaths in that action movie. Then and only then is it wise to teach your children anything at all.

Men, we must be careful not to "keep the gate" to the white-washed sepulchre... but first to our own flesh, then to the gospel of Jesus Christ in the lives of our wives and children.

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Saturday, August 14, 2004

Highlands Study Center Squiblog

"Highlands Study Center Squiblog: News and essays about living simply, separately, and deliberately"

If you followed my advice and got (a) an RSS reader or (b) an account on Bloglines, you now have the privilege of subscribing to the more-or-less regular blog of R. C. Sproul, Jr., of the Highlands Study Center.

Check out the blog at the link above... then click this button: Subscribe with Bloglines

You'll be glad you did.

If you do decide to use a blog notification system like Bloglines, let me know. I have some others that you might be interested in. (And if you know of some, especially by Christian homeschool proponents, please let me know.)

And don't forget, you can subscribe to this one, too... use the link at right (Site Feed) to subscribe. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Practicum: Home Improvement

by Laurence Windham

"Contentment with what you have transforms every home into a castle, every meal to a feast and every day into a holiday. You will hear birds singing, you will witness miracles daily and your cup will be full and running over. Discontent brings leanness in your soul. There is no recognition of God's grace in your life. Nothing satisfies for long. Go on a search and destroy mission in your life. Rid yourself of catalogs, magazines, TV programming, relationships, thought patterns, routines, etc. that enable this sin to be present in your life. The result will be instant wealth; in that you will be grateful for what you have, realizing that you don't really deserve even this. As a wise blueberry once learned, a grateful heart is a happy heart."

This is one of those gatekeeping responsibilities... sometimes, you have to open the gate—in order to throw things out of it!

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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Maxwells: Managers of His Home, Audio Seminar

Managers of His Home, Audio Seminar

"Do you desire to know what practical spiritual headship actually means? Does your wife long for you to be the spiritual head of the home? How do you lead and still allow her to manage the home?

This two-hour audio session lays down basic principles for spiritual headship highlighting the special needs of a homeschooling family."

This is from the folks Eric recommended at breakfast yesterday.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Hard and Soft

By Douglas Wilson

Men should lead and protect their wives. When men neglect their wives, the world often sees the results of the husband's sin in the wife. When the results of this neglect show up in an obvious way through the wife's infidelity, drunkenness, gluttony, etc., everyone shakes his head and wonders what got into her. But the hardness of sin in her was brought into the world through the softness of his abdication. Men must be masculine for their wives and children.

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Say 'No' to Busyness!

by Phil Lancaster

One of the ways in which men exercise leadership in the home is in their control of the family schedule. Unfortunately, in to many of our homes there is no rational control of the schedule; we are tyrannized by the urgent demands of commitments we have made. It's time to step back and take a look at what we are doing. Too often we are doing just what the world is doing.

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